Let’s fall in love with your life.


I’m so proud of you for being here.

If you’re on this page, you’re probably doing the heavy work to create a lighter reality. The steps you’re taking to look at your patterns, choose differently, and let your curiosity guide you into a more loving life will be felt by everyone you meet. Because when one of us heals, we all feel it, baby.

A little about me…

Four years ago, I was throwing spaghetti at the wall of healing, desperate to find anything that would work after I lost my dream job and the man I planned to marry in a matter of months. I flung myself into therapy and gave myself exactly 2 months to heal, because I thought I could approach healing like every other area of my life as a high-powered woman: set a goal, pick a timeline, and make it happen. Bada-bing, bada-boom, heartbreak gone.

To my surprise… that didn’t work. My rock bottom arrived a year into going to sessions every week: my therapist got so bored of me venting about the same 2-month distractionship that she accidentally played a TikTok video in our session. This poor woman, who was literally paid to listen to me, was so sick of hearing me analyze the same memories and anxious thoughts on loop that she had to sneak out her phone for entertainment.

I realized right then and there that I needed to make a change.

I explored a ton of healing modalities. If one person said it helped them, I tried it. Reiki, Qi Gong, sound baths, breathwork, going on very long walks, multiple forms of yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy, journaling, silent meditation, self-help courses, Ram Dass lectures, full moon ceremonies, tantra speed dating, volunteering at workshops to help men heal through eye contact, and weekend retreats where we reconnected our bodies to nature (yes, literally hugging trees). The list goes on.

But it wasn’t until July 2022 that everything started shifting in a big way…

I hosted my first community walk here in Austin, Texas.

I didn’t know it at the time, but hosting this walk was the missing piece in my healing. It was exposure therapy to everything I struggled with: people pleasing, social anxiety, hard conversations, staying rooted in my own energy, having an open heart and strong boundaries, and following my intuition to speak up or leave conversations when I wanted. Nothing cured my social anxiety (and everything else) better than hosting an event 111 times… especially when it’s a 5-mile walk with 100 people where you have to rely on your intuition to float into conversations. At the walks, you create your own reality. You embrace the space as a weekly playground to learn, grow, and build your highest self through lots of trial and error.

Over the last 2 years of hosting the walks, I’ve made it my mission to create a safe space where people can do reps, reps, reps so their growth can skyrocket, too. I’m thrilled to report that hundreds of people have had night-and-day transformations after attending the walks consistently. Because they are on the field, out of their comfort zone, and building confidence in themselves with every step on the trail.

But to my surprise, many people shared that it wasn’t just the walks… it was me! I’ve had hundreds of conversations — from leaning into your feminine energy in dating, to breaking past scarcity mindsets and people pleasing, to understanding The Thing that turns people away from connecting with you — that created massive unlocks in men and women of all ages. My insights have inspired people to end relationships, quit jobs, start companies, create new events, and move continents. People I’ve spent many hours with say I have a gift for making them feel safe to share, feel, and heal their deepest wounds… and I can’t imagine a more beautiful compliment.

I realized that I want to have these conversations 24/7, so I quit my job and became a Connection Coach. Yeehaw!

If you feel called to work with me in a paid container… let’s chat and see if it feels exciting to both of us. ✨

Services from the heart:

  • Great Morning is a group call designed to kickstart the day with gratitude.

    30 minutes, every week day at 8 AM CT with members from 30 countries and 100 cities.

    Commitment: Your presence!

  • The Board Walks feel like chicken soup for the soul. We walk 5 miles and 5x our chances of having a life-changing conversation.

    Every Saturday at 8 AM, in Austin and SF.

    Commitment: Your presence!

  • For high-achieving women who want to make dating and relationships FUN.

    Unlock weekly live calls, exclusive resources informed by Elle’s 1:1 work, and access to a supportive sisterhood who wants to see you win BIG.

    Sign up here.

  • Led by my love Cameron Hogan, this community is for men looking for a dose of clarity and accountability.

    Unlock 2 weekly live calls, exclusive resources informed by Cam’s 1:1 work, and access to a community of men committed to leveling up.

    Sign up here.

  • A one-time session with Elle intended to give you peace of mind and direction on any situation.

    Price: $500 per hour

  • I deeply understand how to make people feel connected to themselves and others, and I'm open to consulting on everything from community to branding to creating exceptional experiences.

    I've hosted over 100 walks that people call "the most life-changing community they've ever been part of" and 30 gratitude calls where "the positive vibe transference is stronger than any Zoom call in history."

    Price: $500 per hour

  • A weekly, 60-minute call with Elle intended to lovingly explore what’s stopping you from stepping into the most aligned version of yourself.

    We’ll work together to build high-vibe habits and open your heart at a sustainable pace to create a life you'll fall in love with.

    Commitment: Offered in 3 or 6 month containers, starting at $5K.

P.s. I really wish I could do more for free, because it hurts my heart to think that resources could stand in the way of someone’s healing… this is why I offer as many free services as possible.

You are very welcome to join my daily gratitude community, attend The Board Walks every Saturday, or stay in touch with all my future projects.

The Board Walks

Thanks for being curious… sending magic and good luck your way! ✨